Make It. MSP. Projects and Partners


Make It. MSP. is the strategic initiative of the GREATER MSP Partnership focused on talent attraction and retention. Make It. MSP. operates as a coalition involving many different partners from organizations to individuals. These partners work collaboratively on different teams in order to better attract and retain people to the region.

The ambition of the Make It. MSP. initiative is to make the Greater MSP region one of the nation’s Top 10 performers at attracting and retaining people. By working together, Make It. MSP. partners believe this region can be the best place for people to come, stay, and thrive.

These are the focus areas of the Make It. MSP. initiative that we'll take a closer look at later on in this section:

1) Welcoming and onboarding newcomers (the MSP Hello team)

2) Retaining people of color (the BE MSP team)

3) Attracting technology workers (the MSP Tech team)

4) Attracting and retaining recent graduates (the MSP Campus team)

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